The Untold Tale Of Your Life

Our society may seem scarce in this vast universe, yet it holds many untold stories. Observed from afar, it could present a humorous illusion of a well-defined, interconnected, and streamlined system. Imagine two people walking towards each other: they adjust their paths seamlessly, unless one is blind or harbors ill intentions, But zoom in closer, and the picture isn't so harmonious. The smiles mask hidden scars wanting desperately to be healed, her charming words are nothing but a deceitful play, the confident strides and promises are mere an effort designed to mislead. The promises of standing by your side, don't these thoughts ultimately makes you feel more alone? It's ironic how this society of seemingly connected components ultimately feels like a collection of isolated components. Each component, driven by its own desires, but it requires fuel to function. Fuel? you may ask, Perhaps Blood? Not literally, ofcourse but the energy extracted from ourselves and others.

Ironically, despite the underlying isolation, our society still finds ways to interconnect these isolated components. It seems like a paradox, doesn't it? Our desires have taught us to present lies in the form of truth. Some of us have found ways to connect with each other as followers of some religion or as citizens of a nation. Some have mastered the art of bringing these components together to form a powerful yet dull system to act as their weapon and shield. The wise have likened society to chess or checkers, but it's more complex than them, yet it can fall like dominoes if the cards are played correctly.

Every single one of us has a story. Every action performed, every sentence, every word spoken is an opportunity to learn about their stories, to understand their desires, and to see through their foul play. While there might be satisfaction in exposing someone's blatant lies, some of us have the lens to see beyond that. Should I take you on an adventure where you will look at the world through a lens, the lens of Excaliats


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The Untold Tale Of Your Life

Our society may seem scarce in this vast universe, yet it holds many untold stories. Observed from

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